Ladybug Lion Paw - Math Puzzle | with Answer

IQ Test For Genius Only

Can you solve the above Ladybug Lion Paw Maths puzzle?

Scroll down to see the correct answer.


- 11 is the answer.

Equation 1: 8 + 8 + 8 = 24  (So the value of LADYBUG = 8 ; Also note that there are 8 stings for the ladybug (6 legs and 2 in front)

Equation 2: 8 + 6 + 6 = 20  (So the value of LION = 6)

Equation 3: (6 + 6) - 4 = 8  (Here there are 2 lions (one beneath the other) in first part of the equation and we get the value of PAW = 4

Equation 4: -3 x 6 + 7  (Here the paw has only 3 fingers and also the paw is mirrored, so its value becomes negative; Also in this equation there are only 7 stings for the Ladybug)

Applying BODMAS Rule;

=> (-3 x 6) + 7
=> - 18 + 7
=> - 11

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