Fish - Fishing Pole - Fishing Hook Puzzle | with Answer

 Fish - Fishing Pole - Fishing Hook Puzzle

Can you solve this mathematics puzzle?

Try to find the values of each things in this picture and solve the final equation...

Scroll down to see the correct answer with explanation.


32 is the answer

Equation 1: 10 + 10 + 10 = 30   (So value of Fishing Pole with Fish = 10)
Equation 2: 10 + 1 + 1 = 12  (So the value of  a Fish = 1)
Equation 3: 7 + 7 + 1 = 15  (So the value of Fishing Hook = 7)
Equation 4: 9 x 2 + 14  (Here there is no Fish in the Fishing Pole, so the value of Fishing Pole = 9 ; Also there are two Fishes = 2 ; And there are two Fishing Poles = 14)

Applying BODMAS rule:

=> (9 x 2) + 14 
=> 18 + 14
=> 32

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