A Prisoner Is Facing Three Doors - Puzzle with Answer


A prisoner is facing three doors. He is told that behind one of them, there is a lady, and behind the other two there are tigers. The sign on the door of the room containing the lady is true. At least one of the other signs is false, maybe both.

The signs say

Room 1:  A tiger is in room 2

Room 2:  A tiger is in this room

Room 3 : A tiger is in room 1

Assuming that the prisoner gets eaten immediately when opening the door to a room containing a tiger, and moreover assuming that he wants to keep alive, which door should he open?


ROOM 1 is the correct answer with lady in the room.

Assume if the lady is in Room 1
Room 1:  A tiger is in room 2 - May be true
Room 2:  A tiger is in this room - May be true
Room 3 : A tiger is in room 1 - This is False

So this matches the conditions in the question that: The sign on the door of the room containing the lady is true. At least one of the other signs is false, maybe both.

Assume if the lady is in Room 2
Room 1:  A tiger is in room 2 - This is false
Room 2:  A tiger is in this room - This is false
Room 3 : A tiger is in room 1 - This may be true

So this DOES NOT matches the conditions in the question that: The sign on the door of the room containing the lady is true. 

Assume if the lady is in Room 3
Room 1:  A tiger is in room 2 - This may be true
Room 2:  A tiger is in this room - This may be true
Room 3 : A tiger is in room 1 - This may be true

So this DOES NOT matches the conditions in the question that: At least one of the other signs is false, maybe both.

So the correct answer might be ROOM 1 as it matches the conditions in the question

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