Orovacrusin - Correct the spelling |15 Words | with Answer

Correct the spelling Puzzle- with Answer

Correct the spelling Puzzle

Solve this quiz :

These are 15 words which we see daily in news now, correct the spelling ...

01. Orovacrusin
02. Hunaw
03. Mayhoest
04. Fasstaye
05. Danpmice
06. Knowdcol
07. Fecruw
08. Siovepit
09. Ongasidis
10. Kerbauto
11. Ascemfak
12. Losiontia
13. Ratinquaen
14. Gaetvien
15. Niashatinzerd

Solve it👍 good luck.


01. Corona Virus
02. Wuhan
03. Stay Home
04. Stay Safe
05. Pandemic
06. Lock Down
07. Curfew
08. Positive
09. Diagnosis
10. Outbreak
11. Face Mask
12. Isolation
13. Quarantine
14. Negative
15. Hand Sanitizer


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