Hen Cat Horse Puzzle | Tes IQ - with Answer

 Test Your IQ - Chicken Cat Horse Math Puzzle

Can you solve the above math picture puzzle? Share your answers in the comment box below.


88 is the answer

Equation 1: 2 + 2 + 2 = 6  (So, Hen = 2)
Equation 2: 5 + 2 = 7  (So, Cat = 5)
Equation 3: 81 - 5 = 76  (So, Horse = 81
Equation 4: 81 + 5 + 2 = 88

From equation 4: 88 is the answer.


  1. 2 à´•à´£്à´£ുകൾ
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  2. Watching them progress from dismal, colorless, scraggly, slim and marginally muddled creatures to shiny padded, loquacious, dynamic, solid women is a flat out bliss. hens night

  3. "Equestrianism is a lifelong learning journey; riders constantly develop their horsemanship skills, deepen their bond with their horse, and improve their riding techniques." Horseback riding for all levels


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